The ubiquity of technology can provide a serious benefit to the classroom. Engage students using interactive education apps, and they may soon be asking for more work! This gallery features our Top 10 favorite applications for teaching with iPads, Android OS smartphones, and more.
William Shakespeare

Shakespeare in Bits (By Mindconnex Learning Ltd.)

Help students decipher the world of Shakespeare with Shakespeare in Bits: Romeo & Juliet (other plays available include Macbeth and A Midsummer Night's Dream). This iPad app features the text of the play in its entirety alongside engaging animation, in addition to character analyses, study notes, plot summaries, and quotes from the play.

Price: $14.99; available for the iPad at the iTunes App Store.


Grammar Up (By Kuber Tech)

Quiz students on English grammar, vocabulary, and word choice using over 1800 multiple-choice questions. The progress meter provides read-time results to encourage students to keep answering questions to improve their overall score.

Price: $4.99; Available for iPad at iTunes App Store.


Graphing Calculator (By Appcylon LLC)

Instead of paying big bucks for a graphing calculator, students can download this free app—it mimics the functionality of a standard graphing calculator, plus a few more powerful features.

Price: free; available at the iTunes App Store for the iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad.



Let kids get lost in space! The official NASA app for Android features beautiful images, videos, mission up dates, news on the space program, and more.

Price: free; available at the Android Market for Android OS phones.

Good behavior chart

Teacher's Assistant Pro: Track and Report Student Actions, Achievements, and Behavior (By Lesson Portal, LLC)

Keep track of your students' behavior with this app. Easily add infractions or accolades as they occur or at the end of the day, so you have a list of specific details to provide parents, either through email (you can export the data), over the phone (there's a space for parents' phone numbers as well, allowing you to make a call immediately if necessary), or in person.

Price: $4.99, available at the iTunes App Store for the for the iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad.


A+ Grade Calculator (DY Software)

Every teacher needs an app like this for their classroom: it makes grading papers easy by allowing you to input the number of questions on the quiz or test, then calculating the students' percentage score based on the number of correct answers.

Price: $0.99; available for the Android OS at Android Market.

Girl in chemistry lab

Merck Periodic Table of Elements (By Merck KGaA)

Merck's Periodic Table of Elements app displays the periodic table in an engaging way, and includes relative atomic mass, melting point and boiling point, density, appearance, and additional properties for each individual element. Teachers can also connect their device to the TV, making it easy to share the elements with the whole classroom. A must-have for any chemistry teacher!

Price: free; available at the iTunes App Store for iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad.

Girl with hand raised

Stick Pick (By Buzz Garwood)

This app randomly chooses a student from your class to answer your question. Settings include Bloom's Taxonomy or English Language Learners, and the degree of difficulty can be chosen beforehand to match students' learning abilities.

Price: $2.99, available at the iTunes App Store for the iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad.

Math flashcards

Math Tutor (By Blu Studios)

This math app is great for elementary students. The randomized operations get progressively more difficult as kids answer correctly. Categories include: Subtraction, Addition, Multiplication and Division; Integer, Decimal and Fraction operations are tested.

Price: $0.99; available for the iPad, iPod Touch, and iPhone at the iTunes App Store.

Word "Learn" in dictionary

Word of the Day: All-in-One (By Code Driven)

Why get just one word of the day when you can have nine? The Word of the Day (All-in-One) app aggregates words of the day for several of the best-known reference websites, allowing you to pick and choose the word and definition you want to share with your students. Or use it to refresh your own vocabulary!

Price: $0.99; available for the iPad, iPod touch, and iPhone at the iTunes App Store.

Apple iPhone

Next: Top 10 Educational Technology Resources

Need more ideas for incorporating technology into your curriculum? Engage students in your classroom with our Top 10 (plus one more!) Favorite Interactive Educational Technology Resources. These websites will help you create new and captivating lesson plans for your curriculum.

Featured High School Resources


Writing Differentiation Strategies and Activities for High School

Close learning gaps this Fall with differentiated writing instruction This resource provides 5 strategies and 2 editabl...

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Math Differentiation and Remediation Strategies for High School


Math Differentiation and Remediation Strategies for High School

Close learning gaps with differentiated and remediated math instruction This resource provides 5 strategies for how to ...

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Reading Differentiation Strategies and Activities for High School


Reading Differentiation Strategies and Activities for High School

Close learning gaps this Fall with differentiated reading instruction This resource provides 5 strategies and 3 editabl...

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