Comic strips are a great way to encourage reading and writing and reinforce key story elements.

Exploring Comic Strips

Comic strips are a great way to encourage reading and writing and reinforce key story elements.

Alter Existing Comic Strips
Give your students a creative experience altering the comic strip " On the Rocks."

"Blondie," the Comic Strip
Students read several "Blondie" comic strips and then answer questions about them.

Comic Capers
Use comic strips to teach students that there is a beginning, middle, and end to stories.

Comic-Strip Scrapbook
Have students collect their favorite comic strip(s) over a period of time. Have them make a scrapbook to keep the strips organized. Allow students time to share their scrapbooks with other students.

Compare and Contrast Two Comics
Ask students to find the similarities and differences between two comic strips, using a Venn Diagram.

Science and Art: Hello Mr. Smart Heart
In this activity, students draw a cartoon or comic based on a healthy hero that stands before them.

Two Things That Don't Belong Together
The comic strip " On the Rocks" features two animals that don't exist in the same habitat in reality -- a penguin and a polar bear. Assign students the task of writing a story that places two such characters/items together (for example: an orchid in the desert, a monkey on a cruise ship, a giraffe in New York City, a dog in a school, a tent in a house).

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