Crisis Intervention Procedures
- Building administrator/crisis team leader verifies the event through preliminary source, parent contact, or police. Calls 911 if necessary. Prepares formal written statement.
- Administrator/leader notifies the Superintendent and provides the formal written statement.
- Administrator/leader phones team members. Activates calling tree for certified and classified staff. Distributes the formal written statement.
- Administrator/leader activates crisis center (office of counselor, nurse and/or administrator; gym; cafeteria).
- Administrator/leader convenes crisis team to plan response (administrator, counselor, psychologist, nurse, teacher and secretary).
- Administrator/leader determines the need for district crisis team and assigns team members the duty of contacting them. Sets time and agenda for faculty meeting.
- Designated team member announce the event to students and the time for a faculty meeting.
- Crisis team members carry out assignments in the areas of logistics, students, staff, parents, media, and victim's family.
- Crisis team assesses the need for additional support and follow-up activities.
- Team holds a crisis debriefing.
Click here for more on Helping Students Deal With Crises.