What Do Teachers Do in the Summer? 35 Ways to Make the Most of Your Break

35 ideas for teachers looking to really take a mental and physical break this summer before they get stuck back into the organizing and planning that back to school brings.

What do teachers do in the summer? - read on to find out.

Teacher on Summer Break

What Do Teachers Do In The Summer?

The end of the school year is a time of celebration, but it can also be stressful for teachers. As the school year winds down, many teachers are already thinking about how they can make the most of their summer break. Whether it's taking some time for self-care, pursuing professional development, or just enjoying some leisure time, there are plenty of ways for teachers to spend their summer months.

In this article, we'll explore 35 ways teachers can make the most of their summer break. We'll cover topics like self-care, professional development, and leisure time, providing teachers with various options.

Take Time for Self-Care

Teacher self-care over the summer

Teachers work hard during the school year, and taking some time for self-care during the summer break is important. Here are a few ideas to consider:

1. Get Some Exercise

Regular exercise can help reduce stress and improve mood. Consider joining a gym or doing a new outdoor activity like hiking or biking.

2. Try Yoga or Meditation 

Yoga and meditation are great ways to relax and reduce stress. You can take classes at a local studio or use online resources to practice at home.

3. Spend Time in Nature

Spending time in nature can be calming and help reduce stress. Consider taking a camping trip, visiting a national park, or simply spending time in your own backyard.

4. Catch up on sleep and do nothing

Adults need 7 to 9 hours of sleep every night. Sleep helps to promote needed hormone release and keeps the heart and blood vessels healthy. When people do not sleep well, they risk high-stress levels and disease. And sleep affects our mood and ability to function at a high cognitive level.

5. Extend Your Time Off

Few people can pull this off, but the strategy is becoming more popular. Have you considered taking a yearlong sabbatical? Some teachers must leave the profession for an extended period to reflect on what is best for them. Working in a different field for a year can be scary, but getting away from their comfort zone may be what you need.
Leaving your school district for a year may sound extreme, but it can also clarify what you want to do. If you have a spouse, you can speak with them about this and get their support. You may be able to get away with a year of not working at all if you have the resources.

| Related article: 5 Tips for Teacher Self-Care

Pursue Professional Development

What do teachers do over the summer? Professional development tips for the summer.

Summer break is the perfect time for teachers to pursue professional development opportunities. Here are a few ideas to consider:

6. Attend Seminars or Workshops

Many organizations offer seminars and workshops during the summer months. These can be great opportunities to learn new skills and network with other professionals.

7. Take Online Courses

A wide variety of online courses are available for teachers. Consider taking a course in a subject area you're interested in or a course that will help you develop new teaching strategies.

8. Pursue a Master's Degree

If you're interested in advancing your career, pursuing a master's degree is a great option. Many universities offer online programs that can be completed during the summer months.

Teach Summer School

Teaching summer school - what do teachers do over the summer?

Teaching summer school is a great way for teachers to earn extra money and stay engaged with their profession. Here are a few options to consider:

9. Teach English as a Second Language

Many schools and organizations offer summer programs for students who want to learn English. These programs often need teachers who are fluent in English.

10. Offer Test Prep Services

High school students often need help preparing for college entrance exams like the SAT and ACT. If you have experience teaching these subjects, consider offering test prep services.

11. Teach at a Summer Camp

Many summer camps hire teachers to teach a variety of subjects, from sports to music to arts and crafts. If you enjoy working with kids, consider working at a summer camp as a counsellor or activity leader.

Find a Part-Time Job

Summer tutoring - what do teachers do over the summer?

If you don't want to teach summer school, plenty of other part-time job options are available for teachers. Here are a few ideas to consider:

12. Work at a Retail Store

Retail stores often need extra help during the summer months. This can be a great opportunity to earn extra money and develop customer service skills.

13. Work as a Tutor

Many parents seek tutors to help their children during summer. If you have expertise in a particular subject area, consider offering tutoring services.

Enjoy Your Free Time

Enjoy your free time - what teachers do in the summer

Summer break is a great time to enjoy some leisure time and recharge your batteries. Here are a few ideas to consider:

14. Read for Pleasure

Teachers often don't have time to read for pleasure during the school year. Take advantage of your free time by picking up a few books.

15. Binge-Watch a Show on Netflix

There's nothing wrong with indulging in some guilty pleasure TV shows during summer. Catch up on your favourite shows or discover new ones to enjoy.

16. Travel

If you have the means and desire to travel, summer break is the perfect time. Whether you're planning an international adventure or a local road trip, make the most of your free time.

17. Explore Your Hobbies

Take the time to pursue your hobbies and interests. Whether it's gardening, painting, or playing music, spend some time doing the things that make you happy.

| Related Resource: 9 Self-Care Tips for Teachers eBook

Get Ahead on Lesson Plans

Get ahead on lesson plans - what teachers do in the summer

Summer break is also a great time for teachers to get ahead on lesson planning for the upcoming school year. Here are a few tips to help you get started:

18. Review Last Year's Lesson Plans

Take a look at last year's lesson plans and evaluate what worked well and what could be improved. Use this information to plan for the upcoming year.

19. Plan for Assessments

Make sure to plan ahead for any assessments that will be given during the school year. This will help ensure that you have enough time to adequately prepare your students.

20. Collaborate with Other Teachers

Reach out to other teachers in your school district or on social media to collaborate on lesson planning. This can be a great way to share ideas and get feedback on your plans.

Pursue In-Person Professional Development

In-person teacher development at conference.

While online professional development is convenient, there's something to be said for in-person opportunities as well. Here are a few ideas to consider:

21. Attend Conferences

Many organizations offer conferences during the summer months. These can be great opportunities to network with other professionals and learn new skills.

22. Take a Class at a Local College

Local colleges often offer classes and workshops for teachers during the summer months. Check with your local college to see what's available.

23. Attend a Teacher Retreat 

Teacher retreats offer a chance to escape the daily grind and focus on personal and professional development. Consider attending a retreat to recharge your batteries and gain new insights.

Pursue Online Professional Development

Teacher attends webinar over the summer.

Online professional development is a convenient and affordable option for teachers. Here are a few ideas to consider:

24. Join a Webinar

Many organizations offer webinars on a variety of topics. These can be a convenient way to learn new skills and stay up-to-date on trending topics.

25. Take an Online Course

Online courses offer a flexible and convenient way to pursue professional development. Many organizations, including Teachervision, offer online courses for teachers.

28. Join a Social Media Support Group

Joining a social media group for teachers can be a great way to connect with other professionals and share ideas. Consider joining a group that focuses on your subject area or teaching philosophy.

Pursue a Side Hustle

Teacher pet sits as side hustle over the summer

If you want to earn extra money during the summer months, consider pursuing a side hustle. Here are a few ideas to consider:

29. Sell on Etsy

If you're crafty, consider selling your creations on Etsy. This can be a great way to earn extra money and pursue your hobbies at the same time.

30. Offer Pet-Sitting Services

Many pet owners are looking for someone to care for their pets while they're on vacation. If you love animals, consider offering pet-sitting services during the summer months.

31. Start a Blog or Podcast 

If you're passionate about a particular subject, consider starting a blog or podcast. This can be a great way to share your expertise and earn extra money through advertising and sponsorships.

32. Become a Freelance Writer

Sign up to a freelancing agency and become a freelance content writer as an education subject specialist to earn some extra money. Here at TeacherVision we use a company called Upwork.

| Related Resources: Professional Development Strategies Hub

Prepare for the Next School Year

Teacher prepares class for the new school year

Summer break is a great time to prepare for the upcoming school year. Here are a few things to consider:

33. Organize Your Classroom

Take the time to organize your classroom and ensure it's ready for the next school year. This includes everything from arranging desks to restocking supplies.

34. Set Goals for the Upcoming Year

Use the summer break to set goals for the upcoming school year. This can help you stay focused and motivated throughout the year.

35. Connect with Your Students

Consider reaching out to your students before the start of the school year. This can help build a positive relationship from the beginning.


Summer break is a valuable time for teachers to recharge and prepare for the upcoming school year. Whether you're looking to pursue professional development, earn extra money, or just enjoy some leisure time, plenty of options are available. By taking advantage of the summer months, teachers can help themselves and their students succeed in the upcoming school year.

Looking for more great ideas?
Head over to our Professional Development resource hub where you'll find a wide selection of self-care strategies for teachers, health and wellbeing activities for students, and social-emotional learning guides.

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