These relatable back to school memes will make you laugh whether you're a teacher, parent, or student.


Summer has flown by and it’s time to get ready for the new school year. These back to school memes are sure to make you laugh whether you’re a teacher, parent, or student. 

Whether you're excited, nervous, happy, or sad about the new year, these memes will get you in the back to school spirit! Send them to your friends and colleagues, or post them to social media.

Back to School Memes for Teachers

1. Now tell us how you really feel... 

Will Smith back to school meme

Image source: BoredTeachers

2. Moment of silence for all our middle school teachers 

middle school teachers back to school meme

Image source: Digital Mom Blog

3. We all like to live a bit dangerously

Austin powers back to school meme

Image source: BoredTeachers

4. What are weekends, anyways?

some e cards back to school meme

Image source: Someecards

5. We all feel like Prison Mike sometimes...

The Office back to school meme

Image source: BoredPanda

6. Don't remind me!

Jack Sparrow back to school meme

Image source: Faculty Loungers

7. False!

Dwight Schrute back to school meme

Image source: WeAreTeachers

8. Why is it always a surprise?!

Source: TeacherVision

9. Whoever said teaching is a stressful job lied!

Old lady back to school meme

Image source: BoredPanda

10. When admin thinks I have room in my class...

The Simpsons back to school meme

Image source: BoredPanda

11. Admit it, we've all been there

back to school meme for teachers

Image source: Buzzfeed

12. Can't resist the new school supplies

Kim Kardashian back to school meme

Image source: @teacherwayoflife on Instagram 

13. August and Sunday have the same vibes. No, I won't explain. 

some e cards back to school meme

Image source: Someecards

14. If only they knew...

Game of Thrones back to school meme

Image source: Pleated Jeans

15. We've all been there, Marge

Marge Simpson back to school meme

 Image source: @daily_teacher_memes on Instagram 

16. Just a few more months now... 

Thanksgiving teacher meme

Image source: Reader's Digest

Back to School Memes for Parents

1. It's been a looong summer!

Parents back to school meme

Image source: Pinterest

2. There's always one kid

Parent back to school meme

Image source: TheChive

3. "They'll never take our freedom!"

Braveheart back to school meme

Image source: KneeBouncers

4. Just walk slowly!

Back to school parenting meme

Image source:

5. Of course, we're sad

back to school meme

Image source: Someecards

6. Kindergarten vs 6th Grade...

parent back to school meme

Image source: Imgur

8. What if I told you... 

Matrix back to school meme

Image source: Haha Humor

9. We've all been there

parents back to school meme

Image source: Haha Humor

10. It's a dreaded time of year

Oprah back to school meme

Image source: BestofOnline

Related: 30 Back-to-School Memes Every Parent Will Appreciate

Back to School Memes for Students

1. Which type are you?

back to school memes for students

Image source: Pinterest

2. I've go 99 problems... and Math is all of them 

meme for students

Image source: Pinterest

3. The best first day of school surprise! 

Zendaya back to school meme

Image source: Seventeen

4. Distracted boyfriend... but make it summer vacation

Distracted boyfriend meme back to school

Image source: Seventeen

5. Summer goes too fast

crying summer meme

Image source: Pinterest 

6. How to become the most popular student in class

back to school meme

Image source: Cheezeburger

7. How high school is going so far: 

back to school meme

Image source: The Sun

Looking for more back-to-school teaching resources?

Looking for more resources for the new school year? Visit our back-to-school headquarters for full lesson plans, activities, guides, and new teacher resources!

If you’re a new teacher, be sure to also check out TeacherVision’s New Teacher Resources.

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About the author

Haley Horton

Digital Content Manager & Editor

About Haley

A native of Boston, Massachusetts, Haley now resides in England where she obtained her Bachelor's and Master's degrees in Literature. She is an experienced writer and editor… Read more

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