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Help your students understand why Black History Month is celebrated with these student choice activities for middle school students. They are perfect for researching famous Black Americans while reinforcing why Black History Month is important.

They are great as extension or early-finisher activities, or given as take-home independent practice work.

This packet includes a choice board of 9 Black History Month activities, plus all of the links to the videos, websites, and resources needed to complete the activities.

Students can choose from activities like:

Write to Rosa Parks

Read “Remarks by the President at Dedication of Statue Honoring Rosa Parks” and watch the YouTube video excerpt of President Obama’s speech. Write a letter to Rosa Parks in which you respond to both the speech and video. You may want to discuss how her actions have impacted your world, or explain your understanding of her role in the civil rights movement.

Malcom X Collage

Explore Britannica’s web entry about Malcolm X. Then, research and collect photos and images of Malcolm X. Use an online collage maker, (Canva, Fotor, or Picbow), or print and make a physical copy using the pictures you found of Malcolm X.

Learn About Emmett Till

Go to the Library of Congress website. You can read and listen to the entry on Emmett Till. Till would have been about your age when he was murdered. Write a reflection journal and illustrate it with the facts of Till’s case.

strong>Download the packet for the rest of the student choice activities!

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About the author

Dwayne Vega


About Dwayne

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