A Complete Toolkit to Help New Teachers Through Their First Year of Teaching
Don’t panic! The New Teacher Starter Kit is here to help with everything you need to survive your first year of teaching, including teaching tips for new teachers and handy teacher templates and checklists.What is the Teacher Toolkit?
Your first year as a new teacher is an exciting time but it can be tough too (and we know because we’ve been there). That’s why we created the Teacher Toolkit for New Teachers. Designed to support new elementary teachers during the first year of teaching, it covers all the essentials for new school teachers: setting up the learning environment, positive behavior and classroom management, lesson planning, grading and reports, and building relationships with parents. Packed with helpful tips and advice from veteran teachers, plus all the templates, checklists, and planning sheets you'll need, in both printable PDF and editable PowerPoint format, it's sure to be your go-to companion for your first year of teaching!
Combine the New Teacher Starter Toolkit with our printable Teacher Planner, an all-in-one printable and digital planner with calendars, lesson planning templates and forms for elementary teachers, perfect to get you organized and starting the school year the right way!