Eyewitness Workbook Ancient Greece is an activity-packed exploration of the lives and history of the ancient Greeks. Below you will find fast facts, activities and quizzes.
Fast Facts
Read through these fast fact topics that are easy to digest, learn, and remember in order to prepare for learning activities below.

The ancient Greek world
Bronze Age civilizations
Greeks at home
Greeks at work
The Hellenistic Age
These enjoyable activities are designed to develop information recall and help practice cross-referencing skills. Each activity can be completed using the information from the Fast Facts section.

A world of city-states
Homer and the Trojan War
Politics and power
Olympian gods and goddesses
Sacred sites
Death and the afterlife
In the home
Women's lives
Buying and selling
A Greek education
Fun and games
Wining and dining
Greek theater
Clothing and beauty
The scholars
Science and medicine
Olympic games
A hoplite's life
Sea battles
Alexander the Great
Quick Quizzes
Once all activity sections are complete, try these multiple-choice questions that test your newfound knowledge of the subject.

History of ancient Greece
Cities and rulers
Greek religion
Daily life
Greeks at work