Thavius Nelson


About Thavius

With a Bachelor’s Degree in Sociology, Thavius Nelson (B.A., M.S.) gained 17 years of experience working as a counselor for juvenile offenders in a variety of settings, including homes for boys with criminal offenses. Following this, he completed a Master’s Degree in School Counseling and has been a school counselor based in Georgia ever since. Additionally, Thavius is a freelance ghostwriter, creating press releases, case studies, and educational content for teachers, school counselors, and education institutions, and he also blogs on his website, ‘’.

Education and Qualifications

  • B.A. in Sociology, University of Florida
  • B.A. in Sociology, University of Wisconsin-Madison
  • M.S. in School Counseling, Capella University


Thavius lives in Snellville, Georgia.

Certificates and Awards

  • President's Award - Capella University, Award for Academic Excellence, Nov 2017

TeacherVision Area of Expertise

Thavius's area of expertise is in social-emotional support and classroom management concepts.

Thavius Nelson - TeacherVision Contributor

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