These ready-to-use educational printables will help you reinforce concepts, enhance parent communications, organize…
Bring ancient Greek characters into the classroom with these brief biographies of the top 10 Greek heroes from…
Discover great classroom activities to assist you while teaching these books.
Included in this guide to Shakespeare's Hamlet are act-by-act synopses, discussion questions, student activities, and…
The organization, elements of response to literature writing, grammar, usage, mechanics, and spelling of a written piece…
Have fun with literature while developing students' language skills with the activities in this printable teacher's…
Enhance understanding with a teaching guide for using audio cassettes or CDs includes suggested teaching tips that…
This printable literature guide for Liberty Porter, First Daughter includes activities and discussion questions for…
Discover ways to incorporate Jean Fritz's American History books into your curriculum.
Select one of the titles below to view great material that will assist you in teaching these literary classics, old and…
Enhance reading comprehension with a guide that contains an overview of each chapter of Ethan Frome, by Edith Wharton,…
Use a teaching guide that includes great information about Henry James as well as discussion questions to be used when…