Free Printables for Teachers
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Free Printables for Teachers - Worksheets for All Subjects & Grades
These ready-to-use free printables for teachers will help reinforce concepts and test students’ knowledge and understanding! In addition to worksheets for all subjects, we have themed printables and workbooks for celebrating holidays, learning about seasons, technology use, and much more!
Our worksheets for teachers include multiple-choice, fill-in-the-blank, short answers, and matching activities. We also offer in-depth project ideas and instructions. You’ll be able to find something for all types of learners with these free printables for teachers.
You’ll also find plenty of fun supplementary worksheets, including word searches and crossword puzzles for introducing and reinforcing vocabulary, flashcards for review and consolidation, quizzes, word lists, and templates.
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Health and Safety (457)
Nutrition (145)
- Classroom-Friendly Recipes (14)
- Diet (5)
- School Lunch & Nutrition (4)
- Food (104)
- Vitamins (1)
- Life Skills (39)
- Physical Development & Growth (35)
Social and Emotional Development (33)
- Self-Esteem (3)
- Social Skills (7)
- Physical Education and Fitness (59)
Safety (81)
- Poison Control (2)
- Road Safety (4)
- Playground Safety (2)
- Internet Safety (9)
- First Aid (5)
- School Bus Safety (1)
- Stranger Safety (2)
- Water Safety (3)
- Fire Safety (16)
- Emergency Preparedness (21)
- Abuse Prevention (6)
- Bullying (13)
Health (155)
- Substance Abuse Prevention (14)
- Healthy Vision (20)
- Illness and Diseases (88)
- Healthy Teeth (1)
- Healthy Bones (1)
- Healthy Body (45)
- Dealing with Germs in the Classroom (10)
Nutrition (145)
Art, Music and Drama (283)
- Art History (4)
- Arts and Crafts (73)
- Architecture (11)
Drama and Performing Arts (45)
- Dance and Ballet (6)
- Theater (4)
- Film and Video (Cinematography) (12)
Music (84)
- Music Performances (3)
- Music Styles (5)
- Music History (3)
- Music Education Strategy (3)
- Music Appreciation (3)
- Musical Groups (1)
- National Standards for Music Education (6)
- Musical Notation (1)
- Musical Instruments (14)
- Music and Songs (15)
- Multicultural Music (11)
- Works of Art (4)
Visual Arts (223)
- Photography (5)
- Painting (4)
- Mixed Media (2)
- Graphic Arts (4)
- Print Making (1)
- Sculpting (1)
- Toys and Puppets (4)
- Folk Arts (2)
- Book Art (34)
- Drawing (118)
- Decorative Arts (1)
- Collage (1)
Language Arts and Writing (2655)
- Alphabet (186)
- Communication Skills (30)
Foreign Languages (179)
- French Language (1)
- Sign Languages (5)
- Spanish Language (168)
Grammar (261)
- Capitalization (26)
- Parts of Speech (91)
- Position Words (12)
- Punctuation (23)
- Linguistics (8)
- Listening (17)
Speech (25)
- Pronunciation (43)
- Public Speaking (8)
- Voice (Speech) (4)
- Spelling (62)
- Vocabulary (650)
Writing (567)
- Composition (111)
- Creative Writing (337)
- Editing (19)
- Essays (8)
- Journalism (22)
- Letters, Journals and Diaries (43)
- Main Idea and Supporting Details (17)
- Penmanship (68)
- Writing Research Papers (8)
Mathematics (4634)
- Addition (636)
Algebra (270)
- Equations (12)
- Expressions and Exponents (39)
- Number Sentences (64)
- Comparing Objects (141)
- Decimals (127)
- Division (286)
- Estimation (101)
- Formulas and Functions (20)
- Fractions (320)
Geometry (495)
- Geometric Figures (275)
Graphs and Charts (496)
- Graphing (13)
- Line Graph (5)
- Logic and Problem Solving (61)
Measurement (560)
- Measuring Space (73)
- Measuring Weight (46)
- Metric System (28)
- Money (238)
- Multiplication (517)
Numbers and Number Sense (793)
- Comparing Values (111)
- Counting (191)
- Number Sequences (50)
- Odd and Even Numbers (14)
- Ordering Numbers (26)
- Prime Numbers (6)
- Writing Numbers (48)
- Operations (216)
- Patterns (92)
- Percentages (49)
- Place Value (66)
- Probability and Statistics (254)
- Ratio and Proportion (46)
- Real-World Math (44)
- Subtraction (375)
- Telling and Measuring Time (112)
- Tools and Instruments (42)
- Trigonometry (8)
- Word Problems (646)
Reading and Literature (2814)
- Library Resources (143)
- Literacy (15)
Literature (1199)
- Authors (94)
- Award and Prize Winners (26)
- Banned Books and Censorship (25)
- Books (100)
- Children's Book (530)
- Fiction (688)
- Literary Drama (34)
- Literary Style and Techniques (12)
- Multicultural Literature (4)
- Nonfiction Literature (194)
- Poetry (113)
- Social Change in Literature (6)
- Storytelling (18)
Reading (1206)
- Early Reading (51)
- Phonics (98)
- Reading Aloud (23)
- Reading Comprehension (832)
- Reading Instruction (239)
- Silent Reading (5)
Science (3363)
Biology (1204)
- Agriculture (11)
- Animals (Zoology) (628)
- Biological Classification (70)
- Biological Evolution (12)
- Cellular Biology (81)
- Ecology (226)
- Human Biology (200)
- Plants and Botany (224)
Chemistry (184)
- Acids, Bases and Salts (4)
- Atoms (9)
- Chemical Change (22)
- Chemical Compounds (23)
- Chemical Formulas (20)
- Chemical Mixtures and Solutions (28)
- Chemical Properties (24)
- Ions (3)
- Molecules (8)
- Periodic Law and Table (11)
Earth Science (854)
- Atmosphere and Air (65)
- Environmental Science (177)
- Geology (148)
- Natural Disasters (40)
- Natural Resources (26)
- Oceans (Oceanography) (55)
- Seasons (119)
- Weather (134)
Engineering (22)
- Aviation & Flight (25)
- Robotics (7)
- Physics (512)
- Science Activities and Experiments (54)
- Science Projects (2)
- Scientific Method (99)
Space and Astronomy (253)
- Eclipse (5)
- Moon (39)
- Planets (61)
- Solar System (49)
- Space Exploration (53)
- Stars (38)
- Sun (41)
Biology (1204)
Social Studies and History (2507)
Discovery and Exploration (43)
- Explorers' Voyages and Travel (12)
- Explorers (24)
- Colonization (9)
Economics (28)
- Business (10)
Government and Civics (239)
- Governmental Systems (10)
- Flags (21)
- Commonwealth of Nations (1)
- Human Rights (31)
- Citizenship (11)
- Law (18)
- Labor (2)
- Immigration (42)
- Parliament (5)
- U.S. Government (48)
- Peace (13)
- World Politics (15)
- United Nations (3)
Geography (474)
- Bodies of Water (11)
- Landforms (15)
- National Parks (4)
- Map (363)
Culture and Diversity (188)
- Multiculturalism (13)
- Ethnicity (1)
- Popular Culture (5)
- Equality Struggles (38)
- Diversity (6)
- Cultural Groups (53)
Society and Anthropology (51)
- Clothing and Dress (40)
- Currency (7)
- Social Issues (30)
- Population (4)
- Society Development and Technology (26)
- Social Movements (3)
Religion and Philosophy (58)
- Philosophy (7)
- Religion (45)
- Olympic Games (24)
World History (177)
- European History (40)
- Canadian History (69)
- History of USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics) (7)
- Holocaust (35)
- Scottish History (2)
- Mexican History and Hispanic Heritage (22)
- British History (24)
- African History (2)
- Asian History (10)
- Australian History (57)
- Inventions (127)
Historic Wars and Military Action (55)
- World War II (1939-1945) (42)
- Middle East Conflict (4)
- Korean War (1950-1953) (2)
- Iraq War (1)
- French Revolution (1789) (2)
- Treaties (3)
- U.S. Civil War (1860-1865) (15)
- World War I (1914-1918) (12)
- War of 1812 (2)
- Vietnam War (1965-1975) (3)
Historic Buildings and Sites (19)
- Monuments and Landmarks (18)
- World Heritage Sites (2)
- Museums (3)
- Historic Speeches and Addresses (3)
Continents, Regions, Countries, and U.S. States (88)
- South America (1)
- United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (29)
- Asia (27)
- Antarctica (3)
- Africa (15)
- North America (24)
- Europe (14)
- Central America (3)
- Australia and New Zealand (28)
American History/U.S. History (560)
- Twentieth Century (176)
- Suffrage and Women's Rights (50)
- Colonial America (34)
- American Revolution (1775-1781) (11)
- African-American History (124)
- Great Depression (10)
- Slavery in United States (18)
- Native-American History (American Indians) (75)
- Industrial Revolution (3)
- U.S. Historical Documents (3)
- U.S. Presidents (67)
- U.S. States (156)
Community and Ways of Life (245)
- Transportation (19)
- Volunteer Work and Charities (15)
- Cities and Towns (2)
- Community Helpers (34)
- Families (86)
- Jobs, Careers, and Occupations (149)
- Hospital (1)
- Homes (14)
- Archeology (6)
Ancient History (56)
- Historic Empires (6)
- Ancient Greece (44)
- Ancient Egypt (10)
- Ancient Civilizations (18)
Discovery and Exploration (43)