Tuesday, September 18 |
- United Airlines to lay off 20,000.
- Humanitarian disaster imminent in Afghanistan.
- Pakistani officials leave Afghanistan after talks stall; Pakistan's official support for U.S. facing opposition among Pakistanis.
- A moment of silence is held at 8:48 am EDT, exactly one week since the first plane struck the World Trade Center.
- "Reality of the chance of recovering anyone alive is very, very small," says Mayor Giuliani.
- The official number of those missing at the World Trade Center rises to 5,422; 218 bodies have been recovered.
- French President Jaques Chirac meets with President Bush.
- NYSE rebounds with help of retail and manufacturing companies.
- Some Broadway shows will close early due to revenue losses.
- Transportation Secretary Norman Mineta meets with airline executives to discuss safety and financial issues; Bush will ask Congress to approve financial aid for the industry.
Monday, September 17 |
- Attorney General Ashcroft says federal marshals will be flying on many commercial flights.
- "It's very likely there was significant ground support and reinforcement assistance from collaborators" in the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, says Attorney General Ashcroft.
- The IMF and World Bank cancel their annual meetings, which were to take place later this month in Washington, D.C.
- Pakistani envoys meet with Taliban leaders to urge the extradition of Osama bin Laden.
- Wall Street reopens after longest closing since 1933; Dow logs its greatest point loss ever.
- Federal Reserve lowers interest rates.
- Major league baseball pennant race resumes.
- Airlines losing millions; more layoffs to come.
- Bush says bin Laden is wanted "dead or alive."
- Pakistan essentially closes its border with Afghanistan; an estimated 1 million Afghan refugees are confined to northern camps.
Sunday, September 16 |
- Investigators learn three hijackers may have attended the same German university, the Technical University of Hamburg-Harburg.
- Attorney General John Ashcroft asks Congress to write tougher anti-terrorist laws and to expand the powers of law enforcement to use wire-tapping.
- 190 confirmed dead at World Trade Center.
- Memorial service takes place at St. Patrick's Cathedral in New York City.
- Vice President Cheney tells press President Bush authorized F-16 fighters to shoot down hijacked planes heading toward Washington, D.C.
- Mayor Giuliani now says over 4,900 reported missing.
- Mayor Giuliani dispels rumors of tapping heard in the WTC wreckage.
- Transportation Secretary Norman Mineta announces he appointed two task forces to report on improving air security.
Saturday, September 15 |
- President Bush meets with senior advisors at Camp David.
- DNA testing will be used to identify remains; families and loved ones of missing asked to bring in hairbrushes, razors, and other items for DNA analysis.
- Continental Airlines annouces 12,000 layoffs; Continental, American, United, Northwest to cut schedules.
- Funeral services held for New York City's Fire Department Chief Peter Ganci, First Deputy Fire Commissioner William Feehan, and department chaplain Father Mychal Judge.
Friday, September 14 |
- SEC relaxes rules on company buybacks.
- Afghan refugees flee to Iranian and Pakistani borders.
- Suspects flown from Texas and Minnesota to New York for questioning.
- President Bush declares a national emergency.
- The Senate adopts a resolution authorizing the use of U.S. armed forces against those responsible for the attacks.
- President Bush visits World Trade Center site.
- Federal officials release names of the 19 hijackers.
- President Bush declares a "national day of prayer and remembrance." Many Americans attend religious services.
- Congress unanimously approves $40 billion for emergency aid.
- Suspects detained at New York airports cleared and released.
- President Bush activates 50,000 national guard and reserve members to help with recovery and security.
- Flight data and voice recorders found at the Pentagon crash site.
Thursday, September 13 |
- Ten suspects detained at New York airports; some said to be carrying fake credentials and knives.
- Family and friends of WTC victims fill out missing person reports at the Lexington Street Armory.
- Flight data and voice recorders found at the Pennsylvania crash site.
- Secretary of State Colin Powell names Osama bin Laden as main suspect.
- German police detain suspect in Hamburg.
- U.S. urges on Pakistan to close its borders with Afghanistan.
- President Bush visits survivors of Pentagon attack.
- Mayor Giuliani estimates over 4,000 dead in New York.
- European Union declares Friday, September 14, a day of mourning.
- U.S. airports begin reopening; Boston's Logan and D.C.'s Reagan airports remain closed.
- U.S. bond markets open.
Wednesday, September 12 |
- Officials estimate 200 dead, including hijacking victims, at the Pentagon.
- Osama bin Laden denies involvement.
- The Taliban, of Afghanistan, denies foreknowledge of attacks.
- 4,000 FBI and CIA agents involved in the investigation.
- Families report receiving calls from victims of hijackings.
- Major league baseball games, NFL games, Emmys, and other major events postponed.
- For the first time NATO invokes Article V of the North Atlantic Treaty, which states that an armed attack on one member nation "shall be considered an attack against them all".
- Four suspects in Boston and Rhode Island detained and released.
- Investigations lead police to flight-training schools in Florida.
- List of victims from hijacked planes released.
- Relatives, friends search for survivors in area hospitals.
- Almost 100 confirmed dead in New York.
- Americans line up at blood donation centers.
- Rental car found at Boston's Logan airport contains Arabic-language flight manuals.
- Flags fly at half-staff around the world.
- U.S. financial markets closed.
- U.S. airports closed.
Tuesday, September 11 |
- 8:45 a.m. – American Airlines Flight 11, Boston to Los Angeles with 92 people onboard, crashes into the north tower of the World Trade Center in New York City.
- 9:03 a.m. – United Airlines Flight 175, Boston to Los Angeles with 65 people onboard, flies into the south tower of the World Trade Center.
- 9:31 a.m. – Speaking from Florida, President George Bush pledges the United States will hunt down the guilty parties.
- 9:40 a.m. – American Flight 77, en route from Dulles Airport, Washington DC, to Los Angeles with 64 people onboard, crashes into the Pentagon.
- 9:48 a.m. – The U.S. Capitol and the West Wing of the White House are evacuated.
- 9:49 a.m. – The Federal Aviation Administration bans all aircraft takeoffs in the United States.
- 9:50 a.m. – South tower of the World Trade Center collapses.
- 9:58 a.m. – Emergency operator in Pennsylvania receives a call from a passenger on United Flight 93, Newark to San Francisco with 45 people onboard, stating the plane was being hijacked.
- 10 a.m. – United Flight 93 crashes about 80 miles southeast of Pittsburgh.
- 10:29 a.m. – North tower of the World Trade Center collapses.
- 11 a.m. – New York City Mayor Rudolph Giuliani orders lower Manhattan evacuated.
- 11:40 a.m. – With U.S. military on nuclear alert, President George Bush taken to Barksdale Air Force Base in Louisiana.
- 1:20 p.m. – Bush boards Air Force One for Offutt Air Force Base in Nebraska, headquarters of the U.S. Strategic Air Command.
- 2:51 p.m. – U.S. military deploys missile destroyers and other equipment in New York and Washington.
- 5:20 p.m. – Seven World Trade Center collapses.
- 7 p.m. – Bush arrives in Washington.
- 8:31 p.m. – Bush addresses the nation.