- Students will analyze the artwork on the cover of a book.
- Students will enhance their reading comprehension by comparing and contrasting book covers with the text of Harry Potter books.
- Printable versions or online access to slideshows:
- Book Covers from Around the World: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
- Book Covers from Around the World: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
- Book Covers from Around the World: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
- Book Covers from Around the World: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
- Book Covers from Around the World: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
- Book Covers from Around the World: Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
- Analyzing a Book Cover
- Pencils
- White paper
- Markers or crayons
- Distribute all of the handouts.
- Break students into small groups.
- Assign each group a particular book cover to analyze.
- Ask each student to write the name of the country from which the cover art originated at the top of the Analyzing a Book Cover handout.
- Instruct each student to silently make and record their own observations on the chart.
- Give each group time to share and consolidate their observations into one list that they will present to the class.
- Tell each group to share their observations with the class.
- Once all of the observations have been shared, have a class discussion using the following questions:
- Did the book cover reflect anything about the country from which it came?
- Why do you think that might be?
- Whose cover was the most accurate?
- Whose was the most inaccurate?
- Why were the adult covers so different?
- If you knew nothing about Harry Potter, what impression would you get if you could only look at these book covers?
- Ask students to create their own book covers for a Harry Potter book.