Distribute a chart that details the causalities of United States wars. It can be used across many curriculum areas for Memorial Day or Veterans Day.
American Revolution (1775–1783)
Total servicemembers217,000
Battle deaths4,435
Nonmortal woundings6,188
War of 1812 (1812–1815)
Total servicemembers286,730
Battle deaths2,260
Nonmortal woundings4,505
Indian Wars (approx. 1817–1898)
Total servicemembers106,0001
Battle deaths1,0001
Mexican War (1846–1848) 
Total servicemembers78,718
Battle deaths1,733
Other deaths in service (nontheater)11,550
Nonmortal woundings4,152
Civil War (1861–1865) 
Total servicemembers (Union)2,213,363
Battle deaths (Union)140,414
Other deaths in service (nontheater) (Union)224,097
Nonmortal woundings (Union)281,881
Total servicemembers (Conf.)1,050,000
Battle deaths (Conf.)74,524
Other deaths in service (nontheater) (Conf.)59,2972
Nonmortal woundings (Conf.)unknown
Spanish-American War (1898–1902) 
Total servicemembers306,760
Battle deaths385
Other deaths in service (nontheater)2,061
Nonmortal woundings1,662
World War I (1917–1918)3
Total servicemembers4,734,991
Battle deaths53,402
Other deaths in service (nontheater)63,114
Nonmortal woundings204,002
Living veteransfewer than 500
World War II (1940–1945)3
Total servicemembers16,112,566
Battle deaths291,557
Other deaths in service (nontheater)113,842
Nonmortal woundings671,846
Living veterans4,762,0001
Korean War (1950–1953)
Total servicemembers5,720,000
Serving in-theater1,789,000
Battle deaths33,741
Other deaths in service (theater)2,827
Other deaths in service (nontheater)17,730
Nonmortal woundings103,284
Living veterans3,734,0001
Vietnam War (1964–1975)
Total servicemembers8,744,000
Serving in-theater3,403,000
Battle deaths47,410
Other deaths in service (theater)10,789
Other deaths in service (nontheater)32,000
Nonmortal woundings153,303
Living veterans8,295,0001
Gulf War (1990–1991)
Total servicemembers2,225,000
Serving in-theater665,476
Battle deaths147
Other deaths in service (theater)382
Other deaths in service (nontheater)1,565
Nonmortal woundings467
Living veterans1,852,0001
America's Wars Total
Military service during war42,348,460
Battle deaths651,008
Other deaths in service (theater)13,998
Other deaths in service (nontheater)525,256
Nonmortal woundings1,431,290
Living war veterans17,578,5004
Living veterans25,038,459
Source: Department of Defense and Veterans Administration.

NOTES: All data are subject to revision. For wars before World War I, information represents best data from available records. However, due to incomplete records and possible difference in usage of terminology, reporting systems, etc., figures should be considered estimates.

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